Garage Door Repair
Garage Door Repair work most common issues are similar with most manufactures. There is wear and tear that with years will give-in or show retirement signs on certain parts.
Normally these are the movable parts like the springs, drums or rollers. Other common issues are to do with the operational parts including the door panels, the tracks, or damage to the door itself. Some issues are simple and easy to fix while other requires parts and installation.
With over a decade servicing the San Diego county, we repaired thousands of doors and learn about all the parts a technician should have with him when they are called to your house.
You can rest assure that our professional and friendly technician most like will have the part in their car and will be able to get you out the door and going about your day.Milano garage door repair - Call us now!

Repair service is the most common call we get. Our vast experience in repair is what kept us in this business for so many years. Our technicians are trained and certified by PDS and will be able to resolve most common issues with short amount of time and most competitive price.

Broken or Bent Springs
When your spring is broken your door will give-in and will not operate. When your spring is bent, it may still be operational yet we highly recommend you to not use the door as further damage can occur when the spring snaps, door falls and damage can be caused to you or the door.

Door off Track
If the door went off track, you may have an object that causes that. If it is not visible, you will need a technician to troubleshoot the problem. Off track doors are normally caused by natural wear and tear yet other reasons can be identified. Our technician will identify the issue and can repair it promptly.

Garage Door Opener
When your door opener doesn't work, try the most obvious issues before you call us. Remove and reinsert the batteries. if that doesn't work, try to replace with new batteries. if that doesn't work, in the case you have a different remote, try that. If none of the remote work, call us!

Drums and Rollers
Most manufacturers produce a high end level of drum and rollers as these parts are constantly moving. As with any movable part, they have a lifecycle and doomed to break. Sometimes repairing these parts is possible and can save money and time on replacement part. Call us to find out.

Garage Door Panels
The most popular garage doors are made with durable panels and built to accommodate interchanging panels. The common accidents of bumping the door, and the simple wear and tear due to weather are the most common active causes for panel replacement. Call for free estimate now.